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Buying A Home? Selling A Home?
We can help.

Homes are where memories are created, and family-ties are strengthened. You can put love into a home by how you decorate it, what you cook in it and how you spend your time with your family under one roof. Owning a home is a labor of love.

But, buying or selling that home can feel overwhelming because you will hear terms that you might have never heard before such as attorney review, inspections, title insurance, realty transfer fee, and cash to close. If you are a buyer, it might be the first time you work with a lender, hire inspectors, read reports, hire a title company, and read a survey. If you are a seller, it might be the first time you have to answer inspection requests, acquire certificates of occupancy, contact utility companies, and work with your attorney to prepare closing documents.

Whether you are looking to find your dream home or looking to let go of one to move on to greener pastures, you might feel anxious when thinking of the legal transaction ahead of you. That is when you can call upon us. Let us work with you to explain the contract, the steps to take, and help you to prepare for the big day.

Buying a home?

Click here

Selling a home?

Click here

Get In Touch With Us

Stefanie Gagliardi:
Email: Stefanie@gmnj-legal.com

Ryan Melsky:
Email: Ryan@gmnj-legal.com
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